Thursday 16 February 2012

Level 9

Christian started swimming lessons later than most kids as he suffers from recurring ear infections and has had 2 sets of grommets.  At Paul Sadler swimland, when children pass level 8, which includes swimming 50 meters of freestyle, 75 meters of backstroke, treading water for 5 minutes and completing a dive, they get awarded their green certificate along with a special T Shirt and they ring a huge fireman's bell, so the whole of the swimming centre stop their lessons and watch the presentation and give a big clap.  They really make a big deal of it and the kids love it.  Christian has been in level 8 for about 6 months and he was getting disgruntled that he would never get his green certificate.  He suffers from Asthma and really struggles with his breathing and normally can only swim 25 metres of the pool (which includes having a few breathing breaks along the way). 

 Last night his teacher said to him "I want you to swim 3 laps of freestyle with no stopping".  I was sitting next to a girl friend and I was explaining to her, that he wouldn't be able to do 3 laps because of his breathing.  He finished 1 lap without stopping, so I gave him the thumbs up and I thought to myself I will give him $5 for making the 1 lap and this will give him incentive to complete 2 laps next week.  Well I could not believe my eyes, Christian continued on to swim his 2nd lap without stopping.  I was so excited for him that I punched Leanne on the leg and said "he has done 2 laps without stopping".  Then my clever boy completed his 3rd lap without stopping.

His teacher then asked Christian to swim 4 laps of backstroke.  Christian doesn't have the breathing problems with backstroke, however I thought after completing 3 laps of freestyle that he may struggle.  But he proceeded to swim the 4 laps.  When he got out of the pool to go and practise diving I gave him a big high 5.

I wasn't expecting him to get his certificate, I thought his teacher was getting him ready and that he would probably get it in the coming weeks.  But when I saw the smile on his face (It was literally ear to ear) I knew that he had passed level 8.  He rushed over to me and said "Mum, mum, I got my certificate." "I have to get changed quickly so they can ring the bell for me". 

I am so proud of him and I also had a smile from ear to ear.  Well done Buster.

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