Monday 21 January 2013

I am a bad Santa

As we have moved to 19 acres, I thought it would be nice to get Christian a trampoline for Christmas as we now have the room to have one.

The look on Christian's face was priceless when he saw it, and it was near impossible to get him off it.  Christmas night my two nieces (Tess & Hannah) came back for a sleep over and the 3 of them had lots of fun on the trampoline.  Hannah was teaching Christian how to do basic front flips landing onto his bottom.

2 days after Christmas we were heading to go to our holiday cabin in Swan Bay.  Joseph left earlier in the morning and took the dogs with him. A friend of mine (Sue) from Perth was going to pop in and check out our new house and have a coffee, so I suggested to Christian to go with his Dad, but he refused as he wanted to make the most of jumping on the trampoline.

Sue and I were sitting peacefully outside soaking up the view when I heard Christian calling for me.  I went out and he started crying, saying "Mum I think I have broken my arm".  I took him inside and put an ice pack on where he said it was sore.  I was pretty sure he had just jarred or sprained it. I gave him some painstop and after 15 minutes he finally stopped crying.  He then said I am tired and need to lie down Mum, so I carried him to the couch.  That was when I saw the huge swelling (that looked like a kneecap) popping out from under his elbow.  I started the car and off we went to the local hospital. 

He didn't want to go to the hospital and he didn't want it to be broken.  We were lucky that it was very quiet and went straight in.  Shortly after he had xrays done and while I was waiting for the doctor to come and talk to us I looked at his xrays and couldn't see a break.  The nurse shook her head at me and called me away from Christian and told me that the doctor was on the phone to a paediatric orthopaedic surgeon.  My heart dropped.  I felt like the worst Santa ever.

Christian was very upset when the doctor told him his arm was fractured and also dislocated, which meant boring summer holidays. No swimming, bike riding, football, cricket or fishing :(

The doctor told me we had to have more xrays in 6 days time and then see a specialist the following day.

Once the plaster had set, we set off on our holiday.

Christian was such a trooper, he did not complain about any pain and we had a relaxing holiday of board games and DVDs and lots of family bonding.

We headed back for xrays and then to the paediatric orthopaedics section at Sunshine Hospital. It was 39 degrees that day, so I didn't really mind sitting in the cool airconditioning of the hospital. The doctor that looked at the xrays said that they don't really see this type of injury very often and that they really needed to operate and admitted him in for surgery that evening.  He explained that there was a chance of nerve damage during the operation as they needed to put pins and screws in.  But he wanted the head of surgery to also have a look at the xrays.

I went to the hospital completely unprepared as I was not expecting them to recommend surgery.  I called Joseph and asked him to pack a bag for Christian and myself.  Whilst we were waiting for a bed we dashed off to the supermarket to pick up some toys for Christian and some magazines for me.

When we got back a bed was ready, so Christian was admitted.  I paid and had the TV connected to get me through the night.  We had been waiting for about 5 hours for the second opinion and I was starving so I went to get some food, and when I came back up to the ward the surgeon informed me that the operation was way to risky to do as his elbow joint was currently sitting millimetres away from the major nerve in his arm.  Christian was very relieved that he wasn't going to have the surgery.

He had the plaster changed again yesterday and then we go back for more xrays on January 24th, and hopefully the elbow will move back on it's own.

I am going to hand over the Santa position to Joseph this year, as I have proved to be a bad Santa.